2021 Sermons

December 2021

  12/26 - Christmas Sympathy
     [Hebrews Series #38: Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video

 12/19 - Single Songs to Celebrate the Savior (Special Christmas Music Service)

 12/12 - Turn the Hearts

    [Pastor Caleb Walker]

     Audio | Study Guide | Video

  12/5 - Search the Scriptures: Special Christmas Edition
     [Pastor D. Keith Walker]
      Audio | Study Guide | Video
        1. Children's Message: Will you explain why sometimes I pray for something but it doesn’t happen?

        2. What does the Bible say about Materialism (the role of money, etc. in our lives)?

November 2021

  11/28 - The Living Word of God
     [Hebrews Series #37: Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video

 11/21 - Thanksgiving Testimony Service
     First Service Audio 
     Second Service Audio | Second Service Video

  11/14 - Search the Scriptures
     [Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     First Service Audio | First Service Questions
        What does the Bible say about women in the pulpit in leadership over men?

     Second Service Audio | Second Service Video (+ Baptism!)

        1. Children's Message: If a baby dies, does he/she go to heaven?
        2. Do the Scriptures teach that, at the Great White Throne judgment, unbelievers will be thrown into the lake of fire and burnt up completely (turned into ash)? Will sinners burn for eternity or will they burn for a time and then be gone?

 ​ 11/7 - International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

 ​ Prayer Guide | Video

October 2021

 ​ 10/31 - Touched By An Angel/Deceived By A Demon
    [Pastor D. Keith Walker]      
     Audio | Study Guide | Video

 10/24 - Children in the Marketplace

    ​[Pastor Caleb Walker]

     Audio | Study Guide | Video

  10/17 - The Promise of Entering God’s Rest
     [Hebrews Series #36: Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video

  10/10 - Keeping Up Appearances
     [Hebrews Series #35: Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video

  10/3 - Search the Scriptures

    [Pastor D. Keith Walker]

    First Service Audio | First Service Video
    First Service Questions:
        1. Children's Message: Are family members or friends who are in heaven able

               to watch over me while I'm on earth?
        2. What does the Bible say about extraterrestrial life?
     Second Service Audio | Second Service Questions | Baptism
     Second Service Question:
        > What is the relationship between God's Holy Spirit, the spirit of man and the soul of man?

September 2021

  9/26 - To Follow or Fall Away, Pt 2
     [Hebrews Series #34: Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video

  9/19 - To Follow or Fall Away, Pt 1
     [Hebrews Series #33: Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video

  9/12 - If It Seems Slow
     [Pastor Caleb Walker]     
      Audio | Video

  9/5 - Finding Rest
     [Hebrews Series #32: Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video

August 2021

  8/29 - Search the Scriptures
     [Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     First Service Audio | First Service Video
     First Service Questions:
        1. Children's Message: Did people go to jail in Bible times?
        2. What does the Bible say about Spiritual gifts in this present age?
        3. What does the Bible say about God answering prayer?
     Second Service Audio | Second Service Video [includes baptism at beginning of service]
     Second Service Questions:
         1. What does the Bible say about human genetic alteration and modification? What about human cloning? Would a clone have a soul?

        2. Since everything God created is perfect, how could He have created Satan who is an imperfect angel?
  8/22 - Harmony
     [Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video     [Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video

 8/15 - Seeing the Unseen
     [Luke Womack - The Go Fund Founder & Executive Director]     
      Audio | Video

  8/8 - Unbelief?
     [Hebrews Series #31: Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video

  8/1 - Jesus is the Builder, We are the House
     [Hebrews Series #30: Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video

July 2021

 7/25 - Jesus is Superior to Moses
     [Hebrews Series #29: Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video

7/18 - Confused and Bewildered

    [Pastor Caleb Walker]

    Audio | Study Guide | Video

 7/11 - Generation Again

    [Pastor Caleb Walker]

     Audio | Study Guide | Video

 7/4 - Search the Scriptures
     [Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     First Service Audio | First Service Video
     First Service Questions:
         1. Children's Message: If your good friend suddenly stops talking to you and starts talking to and hanging out with someone else, is it a sin to be jealous?

        2. When will we get a study on the book of Revelation?

        3. What does the Bible mean when it says in 1 Corinthians 11:8-16 that women should have their heads covered with something to show they are under authority?

     Second Service Audio | Second Service Video

     Second Service Questions:
         1. Children's Message: Why did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead?

         2. What does the Bible say about bad language and bad attitudes? What about raising your voice when arguing with someone? What about more subtle things like "rolling your eyes" or under-the-breath comments? Do verses like Proverbs 15:1-2 or 29:11 apply here?

June 2021

 6/27 - Search the Scriptures
     [Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     First Service Audio | First Service Video
     First Service Questions:
         1. Children's Message: On what date was Jesus actually born?
         2. What does the Bible say about vaccinating children with vaccines that are manufactured using fetal cell tissue from aborted babies?
         3. What does the Bible say about loving people who want to hurt you physically, dismiss you emotionally or ignore your beliefs?
         4. What does the Bible say about transgender actions?

     Second Service Audio | Second Service Video
     Second Service Questions:
         1. Children's Message: Can we talk to people who are already in heaven?
         2. What is the meaning of the parable of the workers in the vineyard in Matthew 20:1-16?
         3. Why is the human supposed to be the higher life form when ALL they do is kill and destroy the beautiful planet God gave us?
         4. What does the Bible say about borders and letting people into our country?

 6/20 - Search the Scriptures
     [Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     First Service Audio | First Service Video

     First Service Questions:
         1. Children's Message: Does the Bible does say that the earth rotates around the sun or the sun rotates around the earth?
         2. What does Mark 16:16-18 mean? (Especially they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover...?)
         3. What does the Bible say about that river in heaven?
     Second Service Audio | Second Service Video
     Second Service Questions:
         1. Children's Message: Are those who are now in heaven able to see what is going on with me on earth?
         2. What does the Bible say about those who had the Spirit of God and died before Jesus went to hell. Are they still in hell? Will they only go to heaven when Christ returns at the second coming? How do 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and Revelation 11:15 help with these questions?
         3. What does the Bible say about when the rapture will occur in reference to the tribulation?

 6/13 - Actually, the Fields are Ripe! 

    [Elder Roy Bell]

     Audio | Study Guide | Video

 6/6 - Search the Scriptures
[Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     First Service Audio | First Service Video
     First Service Questions:
         1. Children's Message: I’ve heard that the Bible says that when we die we go to heaven. But 1 Thessalonians 4:16 says the dead in Christ shall rise first. It sounds like Christians who die will not go to heaven until the second coming of Jesus. It seems like no one will actually go to heaven until Jesus returns. If that’s true, aren’t people who died not yet in heaven? Where are they?
         2. What does the Bible say about whether you can lose your salvation? Can you simply say to God, "I want out!"?
     Second Service Audio | Second Service Video
     Second Service Questions:
         1. Children's Message: Why does God allow us to make mistakes?
         2. 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 and 1 Thessalonians 4:14 appear to be in conflict. Don't they both refer to death?
         3. What does the Bible say about whether someone can lose his salvation?
         4. If Adam was the first man and Eve was the first woman, then from where did Can get his wife?
         5. What does the Bible say about Remarriage after divorce? Will that person always be considered an adulterer?

May 2021

 5/30 - A Heavenly Calling
     [Hebrews Series #28: Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video

 5/23 - Sent
     [Hebrews Series #27: Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video

 5/16 - Consider Jesus
     [Hebrews Series #26: Pastor D. Keith Walker]     
      Audio | Study Guide | Video

 5/9 - Make Me Know My End

   [Pastor Caleb Walker]

    Audio | Study GuideVideo

  5/2 - Search the Scriptures
     [Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     First Service Audio | First Service Video
     First Service Questions:
         1. Children's Message: How can I break a friendship in a Christ-like way?
         2. What does the Bible say about transgenders?
         3. What are we supposed to learn from the dialogue between Simon Peter and Jesus when Jesus was washing his disciples' feet?
         4. What does the Bible mean when it says the earth will go up in flames?
         5. What does the Bible say about assisted suicide?

     Second Service Audio | Second Service Video

     Second Service Questions:
         1. Children's Message: After Jesus died on the cross what happened to the people who had already died?
         2. What does the Bible say about all the animals that die? Will we see them in heaven? Is there a special heaven for them?
         3. What does the Bible say about Why people lived so long in the early years as recorded in Genesis?
         4. Why is David's census said to be incited by the Lord in the account of 2 Samuel 24:1, but incited by Satan in the 1 Chronicles 21:1 account?

April 2021
  4/25 - What Does God Require?
    [The Church Series #40: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     ​Audio | Study Guide | Video

  4/18 - God Expects You to be Holy
    [The Church Series #39: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     ​Audio | Study Guide | Video

  4/11 - God Expects You to be Upright
    [The Church Series #38: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     ​Audio | Study Guide | Video

  4/4 - What Sin?
    [Resurrection Sunday 2021: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     ​Audio | Study Guide | Video

  4/2 - Come to the Cross
    [Good Friday 2021: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     ​Audio | Video

March 2021

  3/28 - God Expects You to Love What is Good
    [The Church Series #37: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     ​Audio | Study Guide | Video

 3/21 - man [man], n.

    [Pastor Caleb Walker]

     ​Audio | Study Guide |Video

  3/14 - God Expects You not to be Quick-Tempered
    [The Church Series #36: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     ​Audio | Study Guide | Video

  3/7 - Search the Scriptures
     [Pastor D. Keith Walker]

     First Service Audio | First Service Video
     First Service Questions:

         What does the Bible say about marking your body (tattoos, piercings, etc.)?
     Second Service Audio | Second Service Video
     Second Service Questions:

         What is the meaning of Philippians 2:12?

         What does the Bible say about the age of accountability?

February 2021

  2/28 - God Expects You not to be Arrogant
    [The Church Series #35: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     ​Audio | Study Guide | Video

  2/21 - God Expects You to Pass the Tests
    [The Church Series #34: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     ​Audio | Study Guide | Video

​ 2/14 - The Son of Man is Lifted Up

   [The Bronze Serpent Trilogy #3: Pastor Caleb Walker]

     ​Audio | Study Guide | Video

 2/7 - What's a Nehushtan?

   [The Bronze Serpent Trilogy #2: Pastor Caleb Walker]

     ​Audio | Study Guide | Video

January 2021

 1/31 - Snakes from the Lord

   [The Bronze Serpent Trilogy #1: Pastor Caleb Walker]

     ​Audio | Study Guide | Video

  1/24 - God Expects You to Hold on to Truth
    [The Church Series #33: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     ​Audio | Study Guide | Video

  1/17 - God Expects You to be Sincere
    [The Church Series #32: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     ​Audio |Study Guide | Video

  1/10 - God Expects You to Get Serious
    [The Church Series #31: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     ​Audio | Study Guide | Video

  1/3 - Resolution Principles
    [Pastor D. Keith Walker]
     ​Audio | Study Guide | Video

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