December 2024
12/15 - "O Holy Night"
[A presentation of the PCC Christmas Choir & Drama Team]
12/1 - Search the Scriptures
[Pastor D. Keith Walker]
First Service Audio | First Service Video 1) [Children’s Message] Is it a sin to not go to church?
2) Matthew 16:19 says: “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Can we, as Christians, bind Satan?
3) What does the Bible mean when it says in Luke 14:26 to Hate your father and mother, wife and children, his brother and sister, even his own life. I'm confused why God wants us to HATE. I know he doesn't but I don't understand this passage. I believe you covered this before but I can't remember the answer. 1) [Children’s Message] Is it a sin to not go to church?
2) What does the Bible mean when it says “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination” (Leviticus 18:22)? What is an “abomination”?
3) In the introduction for the book of Hebrews, it states, “Written to teach these Jewish Christians….” How can you be a Jewish Christian since Jews don't believe that Jesus is God. How can you be both?
4) What does the Bible say about tithing and what is our responsibility? Is there a certain percentage that is Biblical?
November 2024 11/24 - Don’t Fall Short of the Grace of God
[Hebrews Series #107: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 11/17 - Strive for Holiness
[Hebrews Series #106: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video October 2024 10/27 - Touched By An Angel/Deceived By A Demon
[Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 10/13 - Discipleship
[Guest Speaker: Intervarsity Christian Fellowship’s Shawn Young]
Video 10/6 - Strive for Peace with Everyone, Part 2
[Hebrews Series #105: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video September 2024 9/29 - Strive for Peace with Everyone, Part 1
[Hebrews Series #104: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 9/22 - Lifted, Strengthened & Healed
[Hebrews Series #103: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 9/15 - Preemptive Discipline
[Hebrews Series #102: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 1) [Children’s Message] What was Jesus doing when He was 3 years old?
2) What does the Bible say about IVF (in vitro fertilization), including the handling of frozen egg disposal?
Second Service Audio | Second Service Video 1) [Children’s Message] What was Jesus doing when He was 3 years old?
2) What does the Bible say about repentance?
August 2024 8/25 The New Beginning, Part 2
[Assistant Pastor Scott Fronk]
Audio | Video 8/18 The New Beginning, Part 1
[Assistant Pastor Scott Fronk]
Audio | Video 1) [Children’s Message] Is it a sin for me to be stressed out by my parents’ situations?
2) As a Christian, how should I respond when a fellow-Christian uses profanity?
1) [Children’s Message] Is it a sin for me to be stressed out by my parents’ situations?
2) What does the Bible say about being proud? I'm thinking of people who say that they are proud of something they've accomplished. Can't they say that they are happy or thank God for helping them to accomplish their goals?
July 2024 7/28 - Battling Weariness
[Hebrews Series #100: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 7/21 - The Good Shepherd—John 10:1-20
[Assistant Pastor Scott Fronk]
Audio | Video 7/14 - Looking to Jesus for Spiritual Growth
[Hebrews Series #99: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 7/7 - Search the Scriptures
[Pastor D. Keith Walker]
First Service Audio | First Service Video
1) [Children’s Message] Why should I trust the Word of God? [included on video version only]
2) What does the Bible mean when it says "you will be saved, you and all your household”? How far does "your household" extend?
3) What does the Bible mean when it says "Women received back their dead by resurrection" (Hebrews 11:35)? 1) [Children’s Message] Why should I trust the Word of God? [included on video version only]
2) What does the Bible mean when it says in 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 not to bring a lawsuit against brothers? Should we never sue another person?
June 2024
6/30 - The Seven C’s of History
[Pastor D. Keith Walker: VBS Sunday 2024]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 6/23 - Looking to Jesus for Spiritual Growth
[Hebrews Series #98: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 6/16 - Looking to Jesus for Salvation
[Hebrews Series #97: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 1) [Children’s Message] When Balaam was asked to curse Israel, what prevented him from doing that?
2) What does the Bible say about the Apostle's Creed? Is it Biblical? Is it quoted in the Bible?
3) What does the Bible mean when it says in Luke 21:23 "How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers." I don't understand why he would isolate this group like that.
Second Service Audio | Second Service Video 1) [Children’s Message] When Balaam was asked to curse Israel, what prevented him from doing that?
2) What does the Bible say about women speaking in church? 1 Corinthians 11:5 suggests a woman is speaking in church, but 1 Corinthians 14:34 says "women should keep silent in the church"....
May 2024 5/26 - Faith’s Hall of Fame, Part 18
[Hebrews Series #96: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video
5/12 - Search the Scriptures
[Pastor D. Keith Walker]
First Service Audio | First Service Video
Search the Scriptures question:
What does the Bible mean when it says in Luke 21:33 that "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." I don't understand how Heaven could pass away; I know it can't but this passage confuses me. Search the Scriptures question: What does the Bible say about Guardian angels? Does each person have a specific/assigned guardian angel?
5/5 Be the Church—Peace! Part 1
[Elder Roy Bell]
Audio | Study Guide | Video April 2024 4/28 - Faith’s Hall of Fame, Part 17B
[Hebrews Series #95: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 4/21 - Faith’s Hall of Fame, Part 17A
[Hebrews Series #94: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 4/14 - Search the Scriptures [Pastor D. Keith Walker] First Service Audio | First Service Video
1) [Children’s Message] Hebrews 11:34 (KJV) talks about people who “waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.” What does this mean?
2) What does the Bible say about love of self? Because of low self-esteem, I had to learn to love myself in order to love others. And because others struggle with low self-esteem, I tell them they have to love themselves. Am I wrong?
Second Service Audio | Second Service Video
1) [Children’s Message] Hebrews 11:34 (KJV) talks about people who “waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.” What does this mean? 2) What does the Bible say about “hate speech”? How can I be prosecuted for speaking Biblical truth? 4/14 [5:30pm Service] The Woman at the Well March 2024 3/31 (Resurrection Sunday) - Evidence of Life
[Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 3/24 - Faith’s Hall of Fame, Part 16
[Hebrews Series #93: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 3/17 - Faith’s Hall of Fame, Part 15
[Hebrews Series #92: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 3/10 - The Great Commission
[Guest Speaker: Village Missions District Representative Richard Hayes]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 3/3 - Search the Scriptures
[Pastor D. Keith Walker]
First Service Audio | First Service Video
1. What does the Bible say about The Lord's Supper?
2. [Children’s Message] Do we go to the the bathroom in heaven?
3. Did Jonah believe in the resurrection? And in Jonah 2:9, does "salvation" mean resurrection? 1. What does the Bible say about The Lord's Supper? [This question is not included on audio file.]
2. [Children’s Message] What does the Bible say about the angel Gabriel?
3. If you have already trusted Christ as Savior, why is it important to be baptized?
February 2024
2/25 - Search the Scriptures
[Pastor D. Keith Walker]
First Service Audio | First Service Video
1. [Children’s Message] Do animals go to heaven?
2. What does the Bible say about sickness, pain, sadness and suffering?
3. What does the Bible say about God's Kingdom on earth? Jesus taught us to pray Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).
4. What does the Bible say about Interracial dating? Is it wrong if both people are Christians? Second Service Audio | Second Service Video
1. [Children’s Message] What does the Bible mean when it says fire will fall from heaven?
2. What does the Bible say about judging others (properly/improperly)? 2/18 - Working for the Lord—Spiritual Ergonomics
[Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 2/11 - Faith’s Hall of Fame, Part 14
[Hebrews Series #91: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video 2/4 - What is the Church? [Guest Speaker: Village Missionary Guy Shields]
Audio | Study Guide | Video January 2024
1/28 - Faith’s Hall of Fame, Part 13
[Hebrews Series #90: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video
1/21 - Faith’s Hall of Fame, Part 12
[Hebrews Series #89: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video
1/14 - Faith’s Hall of Fame, Part 11
[Hebrews Series #88: Pastor D. Keith Walker]
Audio | Study Guide | Video
1/7 - Search the Scriptures
[Pastor D. Keith Walker]
First Service Audio | First Service Video
1. [Children’s Message] On what date did God create the earth?
2. Will I get to be with my pets in heaven?
3. What does the Bible say about being clean or unclean?
Second Service Audio | Second Service Video
1. [Children’s Message] On what day did God make Adam and Eve?
2. What does the Bible mean when it says "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword"? Is He talking about a kind of peace different from what peace usually means?
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